Healthcare Provider, West Texas
The health care provider has a big impact in El Paso, TX with it’s several locations, serving large areas of the community. Therefore, they need a streamlined custom IT management solution.
Reduce IT Overload, Increase Productivity and IT Security
Their goal was to ease the IT burden off the administration/management department having to deal with daily tasks and managing IT projects. Next was to have a better overall IT cybersecurity implementation in line with their internal processes so they can have comprehensive IT support, increased productivity and also cover HIPPA compliance regulations.
Managed Network and IT Services
After doing an in-depth analysis of the Healthcare provider’s security requirements, GCS IT met with the organization’s management to assess their current operations and design a better, more cost-effective solution.
GCS IT provided a detailed plan of action to revamp the old network system they had before and upgraded to newer better technologies. We added managed networks to have the ability to monitor and protect the Health Provider network 24/7.
In addition, GCS IT has documented the Health Care Provider processes so that we can properly and quickly respond to any IT issues that may come up. With the added IT support that they are receiving, they no longer have to deal with the day-to-day tasks or IT projects that administration/management had to deal with.